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Dry Turkey berry




It is one of the pale blue flowering herbs, and its leaves are oblong-oval and contains a yellow round berry and is characterized by its thick, forked stem, which resembles a human face. Its end, as the hairs branch out from both sides of the leaves, in addition to giving this plant many names such as mandrake, devil's apple, madman's apple, mandrakes, mandrakura, jabrouh, brave, eye of the rooster, the plant of the eye of the sprite

The roots of this plant contain some alkaline chemicals, including atropine, scopolamine, and hyoscyamine. These chemicals are anticholinergics, hallucinogens, and hypnotics. Common problems in general Atropine works to counteract the resting and digestive activity of the glands regulated by the sympathetic nervous system. This often happens because atropine is a competing antagonist of acetylcholine receptors, and thus works to increase heart rate, reduce saliva and other secretions and this plant helps reduce the effect of some Chemicals that can affect many systems of the body including the eyes, bladder, lungs, intestines, and mouth Alerts This is a general recipe for general information only, and do not rely on it, but we advise you to consult your doctor and specialists who will direct you to the right path