Showing 13–24 of 41 results

Chinese liquorice



Chinese liquorice

It is a herbaceous legume native to the Middle East, southern Europe and India. Licorice, sometimes spelled licorice, is a favorite sweetening ingredient for herbal tea blends and often used as a flavoring agent in desserts. Licorice root has been an important herb in Eastern and Western traditions of herbal medicine for thousands of years. The root can be loosened like licorice tea and infused with licorice extract.

Licorice root is one of the most widely used herbs worldwide and is the most widely used herb in traditional Chinese medicine today. The Egyptians used it as a flavoring for a drink called my-sous, and large quantities were found in the tomb of King Tutankhamun on his journey to the afterlife. Pliny the Elder advised her to purify the voice and relieve thirst and hunger. Diocides, when traveling with Alexander the Great, recommended that he carry his troops and use licorice to help with endurance on long marches, as well as to quench thirst in drought regions. In the Middle Ages, it was taken to mitigate the negative effects of highly spicy or overly cooked foods. It has also been used in tobacco flavoring and as a foaming agent in beer and fire extinguishers.

In a recent survey of Western medicinal herbalists, licorice ranked tenth among the most important herbs used in clinical practice. An astonishing number of Chinese herbal formulations (over 5,000) use licorice to sweeten tea and "harmonize" disparate herbs. Its first documented use dates back to the time of the great Chinese herbalist.

Precautions Use during pregnancy only under the supervision of a qualified healthcare practitioner. It is not used for people with high blood pressure, liver disorders, edema, severe renal insufficiency, low potassium in the blood, or heart disease. We recommend that you consult a qualified healthcare practitioner before using herbal products, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, or taking any medications.

This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. For educational purposes only.





Traditional Chinese medicine has long used Yi Ju Hua, also known as wild chrysanthemum, for its diverse health benefits. Ye Ju Hua is commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat symptoms such as red and swollen eyes, headaches, toothaches, and bone and joint pain.

Please note that we do not have the right to diagnose, treat or describe a disease, we only sell, so we always advise you to consult your doctor and spt

Cinnamon Sticks



Cinnamon sticks

Also known as cassia cassia, Chinese cassia, or cassia bark comes from the Lauraceae plant family

Cinnamon sticks are commonly used in diffusers for essential oils and as an herbal remedy. The aromatic nature of this ingredient has made it a popular ingredient for centuries, and it is now commonly used for a variety of aromatherapy purposes. The scent of cinnamon is often used to stimulate the senses, providing a positive and uplifting mood when inhaled as well as a traditional medicinal spice

The sticks are large, smooth and dark brown in color, while the Cassia vera variety can be cracked, cracked and cleaned. This variety is often used in tinctures and potpourri due to its highly aromatic nature. Sticks are a great alternative for those who don't like working directly with oils

Dried plants are great for making sachets that can be placed around the house, in drawers, or in commonly overlooked household areas (think cinnamon moth balls). The bags are also great for hanging near the door, window, or even all around your car to keep bugs out

You can also add them to a pot as a vase, either alone or with other dried plants (note that they are more aromatic when placed in sunny/warm locations). They are great for mixing into soap making to add a gentle exfoliator to your final product. Cinnamon is soothing and great for people with sensitive skin

Whatever your use, dried plants are great for people looking for an all-natural way to scent their homemade goodies. They also add great color and texture to these soaps, bath and body products

Please note that it is always advised to check with a doctor before using herbal products, especially if you are pregnant or breastfeeding as we are not doctors





In fact, a carnation is not a stick or a piece of wood, but a dry and unopened flower. These flowers are originally from the Moluccas, a chain of volcanic islands near Indonesia. Few people see the delicate red flowers at all due to the popularity of the spice

Cloves are used in almost all kitchens of the world. While Asian, African, and Middle Eastern countries tend to use it in salty foods, in Europe and the Americas it is often used in bread and desserts

Cloves also have a history of medicinal use. Its essential oils have the ability to aid in digestion by increasing stomach acid, relaxing the body's muscles, and whole cloves act as oral pain relievers (put one in your mouth next to an inflamed tooth) .We advise you to consult your doctor and specialists before use

Costus Root



Costus Root


The Indian premium is of various and important benefits as it has antiseptic, antibacterial, antispasmodic properties, and promotes the health of the digestive and respiratory systems.

The roots of the Indian premium and the extracted oil are usually used to obtain the following benefits:

1. Contribute to the treatment of intestinal diseases, and the treatment of worms One of the most important benefits of the Indian premium is its ability to treat worms, as it was found that the Indian premium oil contains chemicals that contribute to killing cylindrical or threadworms, such as: the Ascariasis worm.

The Indian premium also helps treat intestinal diseases, as it contributes to treating severe ulcers and speeding up their recovery.

2. Contribute to the treatment of respiratory diseases One of the benefits of the Indian premium on the respiratory system is its effectiveness in treating cough and infections.

Where researchers have proven in a number of scientific studies that Indian premium oil contributes to preventing bronchoconstriction, and treating symptoms of various respiratory infections.

3. Flavored for a range of foods and drinks The roots of the Indian premium are used as a kind of spice, and it is added to alcoholic drinks, soft drinks, and sweets to give it a distinctive flavour.

4. Help activate and stimulate the digestive system Indian premium is a gas repellent and promotes digestive health thanks to its astringent properties, and it is usually recommended to add two drops of Indian premium oil to warm tea to help promote digestion.

5. Contribute to strengthening immunity The Indian premium has antiseptic properties and enhances healing processes, so it calms infections, resists the growth of bacteria and germs, and is a good helper in the treatment of cholera.

6. Promote healthy skin One of the most prominent benefits of the Indian premium for the skin is its ability to prevent signs of aging, thanks to its content of antioxidants that fight free radicals, thus delaying the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines and age spots.

It was also found that the Indian premium is useful in treating some skin diseases, such as: eczema, psoriasis, and dandruff, in addition to its role in helping to heal skin infections.

Thanks to these properties, it is used in perfumery and cosmetics.

7. Contribute to lowering blood sugar levels It was found that the Indian premium has an effective effect in lowering the blood sugar level in healthy and diabetic patients alike.

8. Help speed up the healing process Using a paste of Indian premium root powder, and placing it on wounds, may speed up the healing process and prevent infection.

The powder of its roots can also be used as an astringent ointment, and this feature is one of the most prominent benefits of the Indian premium.




Ā Date Sugar

Organic Date Sugar is the most nutritious sugar on the planet with no added sugar! Our Date Bread Sugar is the perfect alternative to white and brown sugar to use when baking and cooking and it won't leave you feeling guilty because it's made from 100% of the date fruit! Organic Raw Sun Dried Date Sugar Sweetness to all: This organic sugar alternative is better for your mental health than refined sugars and is great for a variety of diets like Paleo, vegan, gluten-free, kosher and glycemic index. Because date sugar helps regulate blood sugar, it is an ideal alternative for diabetics. Even your children with love! This organic powdered sugar is allergy-sensitive and manufactured in a nut-free facility. Our organic sugar substitute is 100% vegan. VERSATILE: This USDA Certified Organic Brown Sugar alternative with candy notes is delicious when used for baking and cooking, sprinkled over oatmeal or fruit, inside smoothies, pickles and more! This baking sugar can be used in recipes as a 1:1 substitute for brown sugar, 1:1.3 for white sugar while reducing the flour by 25%, or increasing the fluidity due to the moisture-absorbing fibers in the dates. Watch sugar bread recipes on our site for inspiration! Making Life Sweeter: Behind and in front of every packet of Date Sugar we have a life changing.

Dried bitter leaves



Bitter leaves

Product details

Emmivansfoods bitter leaves are washed to reduce bitterness, air dried, and free of sand and dirt

Bitter leaves have a lot of health benefits, they contain important nutritional properties such as potassium, magnesium, iron and fiber

The washed bitter leaves are used to prepare bitter leaf soup, ogpuno soup, and egusi soup

Soak overnight in warm water to soften leave. Bitter leaves can also be cut to the desired size (optional)

Dry Turkey berry




It is one of the pale blue flowering herbs, and its leaves are oblong-oval and contains a yellow round berry and is characterized by its thick, forked stem, which resembles a human face. Its end, as the hairs branch out from both sides of the leaves, in addition to giving this plant many names such as mandrake, devil's apple, madman's apple, mandrakes, mandrakura, jabrouh, brave, eye of the rooster, the plant of the eye of the sprite

The roots of this plant contain some alkaline chemicals, including atropine, scopolamine, and hyoscyamine. These chemicals are anticholinergics, hallucinogens, and hypnotics. Common problems in general Atropine works to counteract the resting and digestive activity of the glands regulated by the sympathetic nervous system. This often happens because atropine is a competing antagonist of acetylcholine receptors, and thus works to increase heart rate, reduce saliva and other secretions and this plant helps reduce the effect of some Chemicals that can affect many systems of the body including the eyes, bladder, lungs, intestines, and mouth Alerts This is a general recipe for general information only, and do not rely on it, but we advise you to consult your doctor and specialists who will direct you to the right path




Frankincense resin is collected by making slits in the young, deciduous tree, Boswellia sacra. The yellow layer is often used as incense or in perfumery. Frankincense is considered a spiritual herb that dates back thousands of years. The aromatic resin can be used alone or mixed in incense formulations

Precautions Not for internal use. Use during pregnancy only under the supervision of a qualified healthcare practitioner. We recommend that you consult a qualified healthcare practitioner before using herbal products, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, or taking any medications

This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. For educational purposes only

Frankincense Oil


Frankincense Oil


Extracted from the resin of the tree, frankincense has been used and adored since ancient times. It has been revered not only for its mysterious scent, but also for its many cosmetic and spiritual applications Frankincense has a spiritual scent. This sweet and spicy oil has an unbeatable, earthy, inedible appeal

Fresh turkey berries




Turkey berry, the green fruit, is very small in size but offers tremendous benefits for general well-being. Besides being a proven remedy for a range of gut problems ranging from indigestion to abdominal cramps, these little fruits also treat iron deficiencies, keep blood sugar levels in check and prevent the onset of heart disease

Ā .This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. For educational purposes only




Ā  honey

Among the benefits of honey is improving cholesterol levels in the blood: According to a study conducted on women who have missed their period, they ate honey for 3 months on a daily basis, which led to a decrease in harmful cholesterol levels, while it was offset by a rise in good cholesterol rates

Hair growth: honey promotes hair growth because it contains the three most important vitamins to prevent hair loss and promote its growth, namely: biotin, or what is known as vitamin B7, which helps produce keratin; And vitamin B9, which is called folic acid, as it promotes hair growth and regeneration, in addition to Inositol, which gives hair a distinctive vitality This is just general information only and do not rely on it, but we recommend that you consult with specialized doctors